

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that involves puncturing the skin with tiny sterilized needles. These tiny wounds cause your body to make more collagen and elastin, giving you a more youthful appearance. You may also hear this referred to as collagen induction therapy. Microneedling is an overall wonderful investment into your skin.

Benefits of Microneedling include:


Beauty Boss Co. Aesthetics & Wellness


The combination of PRF and microneedling results in faster healing and more rapid skin regeneration than microneedling alone.

PRF, or Platelet-rich fibrin, is used for skin improvement, growth factor stimulation, and natural filler. With this procedure, your own blood will be drawn and spun at a precise speed and temperature to separate your red blood cells from everything else. Once complete, the top layer is collected, composed of your very own platelets and white blood cells. The ultimate for rejuvenation! This serum is then injected to perform the specific procedure you have selected.

Beauty Boss Co. Aesthetics & Wellness

PRF Microneed-
ling (aka vampire facial)

Face Only

75 min – $500.00

Beauty Boss Co. Aesthetics & Wellness

PRF Microneed-
ling (aka vampire facial)

Face & Neck

75 min – $800.00

Beauty Boss Co. Aesthetics & Wellness


Face Only

60 min – $200.00
Beauty Boss Co. Aesthetics & Wellness


Face & Neck

60 min – $250.00


Combining microneedling with PRF promotes skin regeneration and speeds up the healing process, resulting in better outcomes than microneedling alone.

Within a week, you will notice some improvements. As a result of the treatment, the results will improve over time.

Follow-up treatments are typically recommended every six weeks to maintain results, although each patient’s results will vary.

Mild skin irritation is possible after treatment, but it usually subsides within a few days.

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